Not sure if this is the right channel to report bugs but I noticed that when I have been doing a control copy and paste into the variable name for some field within the Nintex form, the variable name would then change only to whatever I pasted into the variable.
Here is an example.
Let's say I have a Nintex form in my workflow and in that form, I have a short text field. The variable name of that short text field is "firstName".
If I copied some text beforehand such as the word "field" and then add a space into the variable name and then pasted it within the variable name input alongside the existing name "firstName", I would expect the new variable name to be "firstName field". However, what ends up happening is when I click out and then click back on the short text field, the variable only shows "field" or what I just pasted in there as if I replaced the existing variable name.
Now, if I did the same as above but this time, after pasting in "field", I type in another letter or space for example, and then click out and click back into the short text field, the whole variable name is fine.