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What are local Nintex User Groups (NUG)?
Local, in-person groups that meet to connect with each other, share knowledge, deep dive into technical solutions and understand where Nintex is heading in the industry. This is your chance to work with others like yourself and learn more about Nintex.


Why you should join a local NUG?
User groups can benefit you by helping expose and increase your knowledge about the platform overall. This isn’t a sales play, so you don't have to worry about someone pitching you to buy anything. This is about connecting with others just as yourself who are using the same technology as you so learn how to do more the platform. 


At Nintex Connect, we see the local user group as a physical representation of the online, digital Nintex community where an external representative of Nintex helps promote best practices, tips and tricks and other solutions locally to users. We currently have NUGs sponsored by Nintex partners as well as some of our larger enterprise customers also run internal NUGs to help their user base stay on top of the technology and share knowledge. Whatever flavor works for you, we're open and want you to be successful while meeting others in our ecosystem.


Check the map to see if there is a local user group already near you. If not and you are interested in starting one, see below.


There isn't a NUG near me, can I start one?

Absolutely! We believe that NUGs should form wherever it makes sense and there is a group of people willing to meet and discuss "all things Nintex". To help with that, we have a NUG startup kit that we can send to help you get started. 


Requirements for NUG organizers:

  • Be dedicated to organizing a meetup event at least once a quarter (preferably bi-monthly)
  • Help connect users to the larger Nintex Connect community
  • Be willing to engage online and help users get the most out of their community experience
  • Be authentic and have a passion for helping others


If this sounds like you, shoot your community manager @eharris04 a DM.



Customer Success

The government person I support at work wants me to run a workflow as the WF owner.

I have read several posts from several years ago & was wondering what is the best option to run as WF Owner in an action set. Please advise.


Wendy Bollinger

We have a workflow that simply deletes all items in a SharePoint list and then loads about 15,000 items from a SQL view.  It works when you run it manually but fails if it is scheduled.  Anyone else encounter this problem?


Any suggestions welcomed!  Thanks!
