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Preview from: Is it a process?


Many of the clients I work with are just starting their process improvement journey. For the first time in years – perhaps ever – they are working intentionally to get control of their processes, instead of letting their processes have control over them. Part of this initial effort includes identifying and documenting the processes within their team, department, and/or enterprise.


Despite their best intentions, many of these process newcomers tend to struggle when it comes to identifying the processes that need to be documented for management and improvement. More specifically, they are sometimes inclined to identify processes that are not really processes at all. In other words – the scope of the “process” is too small and does not need to be managed or improved in isolation.


My aim in the content that follows is to provide some helpful and simple guidelines that will aid process champions as they identify, map, manage, and improve processes at the appropriate level of detail.


See full post here: Is it a process?

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