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Having been actively developing solutions using K2/SQL as the main vehicle for the last 7 years, I have certainly been able to considerably change the modus operandi of various corporates.

I am now completing my latest customer engagement after 12 months of committing 50% of my available time.

The times that we find ourselves in, has drastically shifted the mindsets and the trust required to allow remote working and this allowed me to complete the entire outsourcing project whilst only requiring 2 customer visits – ideal when 1700 kms apart.

K2 has allowed me to introduce the following benefits into these corporates with relative ease:

Visibility, Performance Improvements, Reduced Paper and Easy retrieval of filed documents, Cost Saving, Reduction in Administrative Tasks and so much more.

Not only is the turnaround time of solutions lightning fast compared to traditional technologies, but what is attractive, is the reduce resources required.

I have now had the privilege of starting green-field projects for 4 different enterprises and my latest 6 months produced the following:

Integration into Sage Payroll and HR, Sage X3 Financials, and the Customer ERP Solution. Solutions included: K2 Batch Processor (starting k2 workflows from any other solutions), Automated Code of Ethics Forms, Electronic Employee Files, Automated On-boarding and Terminations, Employee Contracts, Equipment Compliance, Vehicle Licensing, Customer On-boarding, Customer Rates Maintenance and Expiry Notifications, Supplier On-boarding, Supplier Credit Limit Management, Asset Purchases, Asset Disposals, Automated Long-Service Management, AP Vendor Reconciliations, Gift Register and Declarations, Vacancy Management and Advertising on an Intranet with online Job Applications, Birthday Notifications, Incident and Claims Management, Occupational Health and Safety Nomination and Online Acceptance, Operational Task Scheduler, Document Vault integrated with Operational Activities

Not bad for 6 months and One Developer.

I still need to get used to letting go of these completed environments, since it always feels that a little bit of you is left behind. What softens the landing is the fact that you can leave competent skills behind to continue the work and strategy implemented, but also the fact that there are new battle grounds to conquer.

I now move onto the next 2 customers of which the one will be using K2 Cloud and the other K2 On-Premises. I will also have the opportunity of creating a Freight Management Solution using K2 and this will again prove that nothing is impossible using K2 and the time to lift-off is rapid.

Looking forward to many more years of changing the working lives of many, leaving behind a legacy, and inventing new solutions that was previously never considered possible using K2.

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