Finding all of the workflows in your farm using PowerShell

  • 10 April 2015
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

We've had a couple of people request the ability to pull back information on the workflows in their farm. This script will return the results of all workflows found inside of the Nintex databases associated with your farm.


There are a couple of things to note:


  • Workflows that have been designed, but never run will not show in the results (no record of them in the Nintex DBs)
  • If you have performed a recent purge on the Nintex databases, the workflows may not show up.
  • If you receive errors when running the script, please allow it to run to completion. The script uses what It finds in the Nintex DB and resolves certain information (SiteID > Site collection URL, Etc.) and may error if a Site Collection/Site/List and/or workflow is not found. This will not affect the results of the workflows that are found.





#                                         ### Nintex Workflow Statistics Query ###

#                   This script will use the Nintex Assembilies to query the Nintex databases and find workflows.


#        Please ensure you run this script as Administrative account that has rights to each Nintex database

#Adding SharePoint Powershell Snapin
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA silentlycontinue

# The Line below will suppress error messages, uncomment if you are seeing errors but still receiving results.

#$ErrorAction = 'silentlycontinue' 

# Loading SharePoint and Nintex Objects into the PS session

# Grab Nintex Config database name

$CFGDB = [Nintex.Workflow.Administration.ConfigurationDatabase]::OpenConfigDataBase().Database

# Creating instance of .NET SQL client
$cmd = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

$cmd.CommandType = [System.Data.CommandType]::Text

# Begin SQL Query
$cmd.CommandText = "SELECT
FROM dbo.WorkflowInstance I
inner join WorkflowProgress P
               ON I.InstanceID = P.InstanceID
Inner join [$CFGDB].dbo.publishedworkflows pw
on i.WorkflowID = pw.WorkflowId
GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((i.siteid, i.webid, i.listid, i.workflowname, pw.Author), ());"

$indexes = @()

# Call to find all Nintex Content Databases in the Nintex Configuration Database, then execute the above query against each. 
foreach ($database in [Nintex.Workflow.Administration.ConfigurationDatabase]::GetConfigurationDatabase().ContentDatabases)

$reader = $database.ExecuteReader($cmd)

# Creating a table
$row = New-Object System.Object

$Site = $(Get-SPSite -identity $reader["SiteID"])

$SubSite = $Site.Allwebs[[Guid]"$($reader["WebID"])"]
$List = $SubSite.Lists[[Guid]"$($reader["ListID"])"]

#Adding Query results to table object
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Workflow Name" -Value $reader["WorkflowName"]
$row | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Database" -value $Site.ContentDatabase.Name
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Site Collection" -Value $Site.Url
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Subsite" -Value $SubSite
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "List" -Value $List.title
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Author" -Value $reader["Author"]

$indexes += $row

#Print results on screen
$indexes  | FT -autosize
Write-host "Total Workflows in all DataBases:" $indexes.Count



4 replies

Badge +3

Hi Chad Austin​,

Thanks, for the script. Do you know how to do I simply identify SharePoint Designer workflows? (We only have SPD 2010 workflows in our 2013 farm.) I am trying to inventory both Nintex and SPD workflows. I haven't found anything too promising to find an easy way to identify the different workflows.

I am actually using ControlPoint to identify the workflows in our environment on a daily scheduled report. I am hoping there is a s straightforward way to identify these workflows farm wide. Also, noticed that the scripts puts workflows in the list twice for some of  these. I am not sure why this is happening.


Badge +3

Hi Chad Austin​,

This script looks great. But i am hoping to include one more field i.e. workflow created date. My aim is to find total workflows created in one particular month for Nintex and SPD separately. Can you please help me with this?

Simran Sachdeva

Badge +3

Can i have list of properties. i want to know about running workflow status/stage of workflow like running /complete/failed etc.

pls guide.


Badge +9

Chad Austin, Thank you for the post! Combining your post with, now i can automate exporting all nintex recently published workflow to file share (or somewhere safe). Only thing is that while using your script, the last row is automatically duplicated of the second last row. Is there a way to prevent that? Also, it would be great if we could add an extra column for workflow type so we could filter on that while exporting.
