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Using Dan Stoll‌'s excellent walkthrough in Nintex App Studio for the win‌ I started looking at the new custom content functionality in Nintex Mobile App Studio.  It was all going absolute great guns; I had a custom home page with links that would open various apps on my phone (to call, text, read documentation etc) but I had this rather odd issue when I clicked on the sms link that was constructed similar to that below:

<a href="sms:+1-111-222-3333&body=Love%20your%20work." class="button">SMS JOGA HQ</a>


My android phone (used for testing only - I am an apple girl through and through) kept giving me this error once I returned to the app from sending a message:

I did a search on here and on Google for "net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME" and lots of things came back actually which was a little overwhelming trying to work out which advice to listen to, so I went with the simplest first which was in this resource:

Basically, add target="_blank" to the link.  It worked happy.png and as yet I haven't found any negative impact.

Thought it would be good to share this in case anyone else gets the same issue!

Hi ‌,

Thanks for sharing this. I am sure this will save many people time.

Hopefully I soon have some time to play with this new Nintex Mobile App feature too. It looks very promising.



‌ it is great!! I love it! So powerful with little effort!

Thanks Cassy! Now I know what to do when I run into this - good to have in the back of the ole' noggin!

The ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME error is commonly because of your browser issue . There's no application on your device which can handle that particular action. It is a Chromium bug . In Chrome version 40 and up, this bug has resurfaced, but only if you are manually entering the URL of the redirect page in the address bar. The issue is on the chromium issue tracker here .


