I have a drop down for the submitter to use to select who is next (requirement from the end users). I found the article that explains why the Display Value doesn't continue to be the Displayed Value after the initial selection (http://community.k2.com/t5/K2-blackpearl/List-view-not-showing-the-quot-Display-quot-value-of-a-dropdown/ta-p/88971), but I have to find a way to either copy the display value or have the one drop down save both the FQN and the Display Name.
Since this value is then copied into Email Text and used in List View, having the FQN saved is what makes the work - but who wants an email saying hellow to their FQN.
I've tried transferring the data to another field, but it only shows up blank.
There has to be a solution to this somewhere as I'm finding it hard to believe that others don't have the same issue with end uers wanting to always see the display name.