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Hi i have a folder named Talon it contains 168 GB .nas files in the below path. I dont know what are those files and my disk space is almost full. Please help me what are those files and can i delete those files.  


have you got any answer on this? I am also looking for it.

Hi, when you install Nintex Analytics in SharePoint, logs are saved in this folder C:ProgramDataNintexTalon folder. These logs contain Analytics events saved on each server either running a workflow or on which workflows are being designed in the location C:ProgramDataNintexTalon folder. The size of the Analytics event files generally depends on the type of events being recorded in that Historical data extraction operation will generate events based on the workflows (& workflow instances of up to 3 years) saved in you Nintex Content Databases. The Analytics events files are kept until they are transmitted to the server by the Nintex Analytics Synchronization (ntx-analytics-sync-job) which is set to run hourly by default but the schedule can also be adjusted by you.
