@Cheyanneong Could you perhaps assist here?
Hi, this question is not relevant for Nintex Analytics, I believe this is a question for the Workflow Automation team. I would recommend you post this in their forum instead and someone will be able to assist you.
@SeeDee could you please take a look at this and see if you are able to assist, thanks.
@sid Hey Sid - can you please help here? thanks
Hi JackJen
I would like to understand your use case a bit better to attempt to give you a better solution.
Looking at the formula that you have created, the reason you are getting those error messages is because:
- the inner "lookup function" is expecting a number, so instead of "0", try using just 0
lookup("List","ID",max(lookup("List","Item Child Count","0","ID",true)), "ColumnYouWantOnPreviousItem")
- Similar to that the outer "lookup function" is expecting the inner lookup function to return data of type number, but a lookup function always returns a text value. So to make this work the value out from the inner lookup would need to be converted to number data type.
In the post you have mentioned a Nintex Solution, would you be able to point me to that as well?