Hey Mary Stevens,
If you want to do replication through a lookup you'll need to use SOQL.
Opportunity(Starting Object) Shipping Address (Lookup from Opp Line Items)
Opp Line Items (Child)
I hope that helps!
Thank you Ryan - I kinda wondered if that was what I needed to do.
I'm not super strong in SOQL queries - Will my query be structured something similar to this? (I know I'll need to use the correct field names and __r relationships.)
Select NameOfOppLineItemShippingField from Opportunity.ShippingAddress where OppLineItem.OppID = Opportunity.ShippingAddress.OppID?
And then are you saying this will show up in my field tagger as a relationship?
Hey Mary,
You want something like this and again you'll need to replace these with the proper API names.
SELECT Id, ShippingAddress__r.Name FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE Opportunity = '<<Opportunity_Id>>'
Hi Ryan -
This took me several hours to get exactly what I needed - mostly due to me not really 'reading' what you were suggesting. I worked on it for quite a while before it dawned on me that the WHERE is comparing to a tag. (duh!)
Also, I already had a custom Opportunity Line Item relationship in there, so after lots of testing (and swearing), I realized I had to put ALL needed fields in this query, swap out the start row tag for this new relationship in order for the row replication to pull everything that I needed.
At any rate, I learned a ton today (I feel a bit smarter) and I very much appreciate your help! :-)