Task form metadata - get variable

  • 8 January 2018
  • 6 replies

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Hi everyone, I use SP 2013 on-prem.

I need get metadata from form within approver task.

I have a document set library where I have a lot of metadats and on this library is workflow for approving items and in approve form in this workflow I changed some metadata + add new attachment.

I allways use for this a copy to sharepoint action on the task item, but now this is not good for replace metadata on document set. This is only great for attachment file I'm right ?

So I need replace metadata of document set by this filled task's form.

Is here some action to get these values to variable, or something else ? And after that I use to update item on document set.

Thank you very much for help.

6 replies

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Good day Tomas,

Do you have Nintex Forms?  If you do, you can edit this approval form to capture any metadata required.  You also mention that you want to read the metadata...all the metadata displayed on the task form is the actual metadata of the document library and therefor is available under the item properties tab.

By default the metadata colums on the task form are disabled, and you can easily enable these fields to allow you to capture or update the metadata.

211982_NintexForms Enable Field.JPG

You can also move the metadata fields around so that it is more visible with the approve or reject option.211983_Nintex Forms Custom fields.JPG

Let me know if I misunderstood your requirement.

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Hi Francois, thank you for quick reply.

OK I use also Nintex forms for approval form task and I have visible and enable fields on appearance.

But when I write or change new values on some fileds so after success aproved these values are not displayed on document set item properties.

Until recetly it worked via copy to sharepoint action - run workflow on new task.

But right now no metadata copy. And without error on workflow.


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Do you run start and run the workflow from the document set library?  Or is the workflow started from another list or library?

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Yes I started after approval process as web service on default tasks list

and here I start with these actions :

and in dms_copy_attachments I use copy to sharepoint with checked copy metadata


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I got it!Yeah 

This action Copy to sharepoint is really crazy on another library works with copy metadata only for set and on another library is it different no document set metadata copyed.

So I could made new workflow and using the xml data from task form, get my values to update and after that update items and sets separately. And now works great. wink.png

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Good job!  Glad its working :-)
