Select Multiple rows in Listview

  • 6 January 2015
  • 1 reply

Badge +5



I have Listview Item which was generated using SQL SO.

User are able to select Multiple Rows.I have Slection checkbox on lisview so if user select 5 rows and click on procees. i want workflow to get trigger.

1. How i can get the selected checkbox record from listview? How i can get text of that row to check condition in Smartform rule designer to take further action on it?

2. Its poosible to trigger workflow one after another according to selection.??




1 reply

Badge +7

Hi Niks,
I'm guessing you have a button control that is called "Process?"
So you'd like there to be a rule that triggers the workflow only after 5 rows are selected? Do all five have have to be selected for a workflow to start? Or can any amount of checkboxes be checked and then you'd click the button control and it would trigger the workflow?
Do you have rows that have values and then you've placed checkboxes next to the values or are the checkboxes connected to the SmO.
I think you might have to post a picture to your view for us to have a better understanding of your setup.  
I believe that with smartobjects, checkboxes get stored as true and false - true for if the checkbox is checked and false if it isn't; again, you'd have to have those checkboxes connected to the SmO and use the correct input mappings for it to get stored as anything. 


It is possible to trigger a workflow according to a selection. The rules would be "When a control on a View raises an event" (Event) and then "then start the Workflow" (Actions). You'd choose the control, the checkbox control, as the control on a View and then you'd chose the Workflow you'd want to be triggered in the second part. As for it triggering one after another according to selection, I can't think up off the top of my head how to do that eloquently..
