Resolving User Data

  • 24 December 2014
  • 3 replies
  • 1 view

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Hi all,

I have a question about getting more information about  destination users from SQL table.

Our Active Directory contains very little information and i need to ad extra details to the event notification email.


I used smart object to fill some variables and it works fine when i have only one participant,


but when i have a role or multiple participants i am lost.

i also tried to call smart object from the email template itself but it didnt work.

any ideas?




3 replies

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I remember this type of situation for one of my client. K2 developers normally suggest to design a small child process for sending emails. I thought this is bad practice since it will create unnecessary process but it works well in situation where one of your AD group member doesnt have proper email id. The whole email sending event could fail.


Write child process - call it through IPC event. Loop through every members in your AD group and pass the key information to your child process. In child process call your smartobject to fetch additional information for every users. In case any one of the child process fails due to insufficient data, rest of the users still get the mail and the parent process will not fail in any case.



Nathan Pillai


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Hi Nathan.

Thanks alot for your reply.

your workaround will work,

but i think i will prefer to write my own security provider.

now i just need to find out a way to do so    :-S



Thanks again




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We wrote our own security provider for this very purpose: lots of user info in SQL, not a lot in AD.  Unfortunately, security providers aren't very well understood or documented, even within K2.  For example, v4.6.8 introduced a breaking change to security providers that everyone within K2 swore for two weeks wasn't possible until someone finally read the code and realized they had indeed changed a behavior.  The remote services support group (the guys who are supposed to know K2 better than anyone) actually asked us to document our experience so they could have some documentation for security providers.  That said, once you get it running, custom security providers are reliable and low maintenance.


This support page has some links to articles you can reference.  The implementation isn't challenging: just implement a few interfaces and you are good.  The trick is the integration testing.  What is very poorly documented and very poorly understood by K2 is the expected inputs to the various methods.


The links in the article I posted earlier should get you started.  If you have some specific questions through the process, I'm happy to help where I can.  Please post specific questions, as an open-ended "HOWTO" isn't appropriate for this forum.
