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Hi everyone

I have created a repeated section which has a drop down section. The issue I have is when I select the option and save the form I cant see my selection under the right column in SharePoint page. If I dont have the repeating section everything is fine.


Is your treating section control connected to a sp column? You should see the XML values in the sp column, to get those values you will have to parse the XML data, this article was helpful for me
thanks for your message, where can I get the XML values for sp columns?
open the repeating section configuration and connect it to a Multiline column.MAke sure that the MLT column in SharePoint is configured as Plain Text and not Rich text.. Now when you submit a form you will see XML in the MLT column which will be the structure of the repeating section.

you have to connect your repeating section to a multiline column on sharepoint, and make sure that your controls in the repeating sections are named otherwise data wont be captured appropriately after submission
