Passing parameters via URL

  • 27 March 2015
  • 3 replies

Badge +3

Hi all,


I have a form with a landing page containing a list of all those employees whose form the current logged in user is allowed to see. For example, if I'm a manager I can see subordinates' forms. However, with the ID being passed in the URL, I can actually change that parameter and see someone else's data. Permissions are far far too complex to apply on this form, hence the landing page. Is there a way to NOT show these parameters in the URL?

3 replies


Hi Mallory, 


For starters this might be better suited to be posted in the Smartforms forum. WIth that said, depending on the way your form and/or processes are constructed there may be a way to provide this functionality aside from using a query string parameter. Another thing you can do is just use a unique identifier or GUID to abstract the user's ID.

Best Regards, 


Userlevel 5
Badge +16



I suggest you create a list with user's permission and when your form initilaize, hide or show upon the permissions in that list.



Userlevel 1
Badge +8

Hi Mallory


I don't think there is a way to hide parameters, but there may be some workarounds.


Are you opening this landing page from another SmartForm? If so you can:

  • Use the "Navigate to another form and execute a view method". This way you don't need to use a parameter you can just pass the Id into the view list method
  • Pass the ID into a hidden field and then use that value on the form initialise method to execute the view list.

If you coming to the landing page from a non SmartForm page then you could create a "pre-landing page" that accepts the parameter that immediately directs you to the actual landing page using the methods described above. This should be a fairly seamless transition for the users.
