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I want to encourage our users to use SharePoint lists instead of Excel, so far there are almost only advantages.

But the users need to enter amounts for accruals for every month. In Excel they have a column for every month, so when they enter the amount for dezember they are able to have a look at the last 11 month what amounts they entered. This is what they need in a nintex formular. 

So my form does show some columns they have to enter first (cost center, type of costs, profit center, ...) and then I am displaying the current list they are working on under the form (using the "list lookup"-action in Nintex forms). I want the list to be automatically filtered by one or more of the values the users entered before (cost center --> lookup value; type of costs --> lookup value).

The "list lookup"-action shows me an error when connecting to the lookup values (for instance cost center). I can filter the list by a text value or with CAML, but this is static, I want the list to be dynamically filtered. 

Any idea?

Hi Christian,

You could use filter by "Controls value" and select the control in the "Filtered by Control". This controls value will be used by the lookup control to filter any values.




Hi Shrini,

I am very sorry, I wrote that I use "list lookup", but what I am using is "list view". So I am opening the form and in the form I added "list view". I do filter by controls value, but as soon as I select a value of the lookup column (by which the list should be filtered) I get an error "sorry something went wrong - an unexpected error has occured".

Do you have any idea how to deal with it?

Hi Christian,

I will need to see your configuration as from the error message its not possible to ascertain what configuration would have gone wrong?

Further I believe when using the list view (filter options) the page does do a postback when it tries to display this filtered values. Can you show me (screenshots your entire configuration) as I believe this feature works well and need to see what configuration was not correctly put up?



hummmmm sad to see no solution provided till now 
