K2 for SharePoint 2013 webservice call K2 Studio

  • 9 September 2015
  • 6 replies
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I am creating a K2 Process for SharePoint 2013 and I want to do a webservice call to the standard sharepoint webservice /_vti_bin/sites.asmx and the methode "createWeb".


I have tried this by adding a process reference to the webservice and using the code reference event to call the webservice.

This is not working. I am not able to select the "createWeb" methode.


I have heard it is better to use the smart broker for calling a web service. There is not much information about about.


So my question...whats the best way to call a webservce within K2 Studio. I don't want to write code.


Many thanks in advance

Best Regards


6 replies

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Hi Jochen,


Have you deployed the K2 for SharePoint 2013 components? It’s a basic install on you K2 server and an app you need to deploy. There is also client components that needs to be installed on the workstation you are using K2 Studio on.


After the configuration there will be wizards in your designer to create webs and do a bunch of actions with SharePoint 2013.


There will be a bunch of smartobjects you can call as well if you don’t want to use the wizards.


K2 handels all the authentication as well.


Hope this helps.




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Hi Jurie,


yes. I have installed all components and I know there are K2 events available in K2 Studio to deal with sites. I also tried to use a smartobject methode for this. But they dont work as expected because there issues with custom site templates in different languages. So I want to do it with a webservice call. But I don't know how to handle this





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Hi Jochen,

What are the issues you are experiencing? Perhaps between Jurie and myself we can resolve this for you.

From the SharePoint side, it is completly possible using /_api/web/webinfos/add/, this is a rest call. See the below article on how to accomplish this through SharePoint designer, and seriously if designer can do it, K2 can really do it :)




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Hi Jochen,


Please post your issues. There should not be any issues with custom site templates. If you can create a site trough sharePoint with the template you should be to do it with the K2 wizzards. 

Userlevel 1
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There is a custom REST service broker you can download from K2 market that may help you.





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the issue I have is that when I create a custom site template, I am not able to select this within the K2 site event in K2 Studio.

This is when creating templates based on different languages e.g. german. With SharePoint 2010 there was a workaround to use the template ID instead of the template name. 

I also discussed this with K2 Support and we came to the conclusion that this is now not possible.


Now I am searching for a workaround. 


K2 Support told me that for calling a webservice I should use the service broker. But there is no documentation available how to use it.


Concerning the article with sharepoint designer workflow - how to handle this in K2? Not sure how set up a dictionary.


Many thanks

Best Regards

