How to get the GUID of a managed metadata term obtained from a Request data action

  • 11 February 2016
  • 3 replies

Badge +2


In my nintext 2013 workflow, I have a "Request data action" that gathers input from users to enter a value. The field they fill up is of type managed metadata and I want these values to be saved inta list item on their corresponding manage metadata columns. But in order to do this, I need to get the GUID of the entered value from the Request data action. How can I achieve this? I tried putting the entered managed metadata into a workflow variable but I'm only getting the term name and not the GUID. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

3 replies

Badge +11

Hi Rhee,

there is a hidden list, that normally should store your terms and the guids (can't test it myself at the moment). You can navigate to this list by using:


Do you see anything usefull in this list? If so, you can use a "query list" action in your workflow to receive the guid of the term you want.

Let us know if this helps you.



Badge +2

Hi Philipp,

Thanks for your suggestion.

I have looked into this list already but only terms that have been used in the site collection are the only ones available in this list. So if If query for a term that's never been used, it won't give me a return value.

Unless, I create a list that will use all the terms so they will be available in the Taxonomyhiddent list but we have hundreds of terms. And if ever we add a new term in the term store, this will be another list to maintain.


Badge +11

Hi Rhea,

unfortunately there seems to be neither a web service nor a rest endpoint for the managed metadata. I found some info about how to connect to the term store via JSOM/CSOM. (e. g. Accessing Taxonomy Term Store with JSOM ​)

But no idea how to get this in your workflow. Maybe you can provide your own web service and use this method inside. Will require some effort...


