Displaying large number of options in dropdown list

  • 3 November 2015
  • 6 replies

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Hi all,

I have a requirement to retrieve around 15,000 values via web service call and display them on Nintex form as option values in a drop down list.

This drop down list needs to sit in a repeating section control so it needs to show on each new row as well.

Options I thought of are below but I was wondering what would be the best one or if you have a better suggestion.

1. Store them in a SharePoint list and use list lookup on the form, however, there is SharePoint limitation of 5,000 records that can be retrieved.

2. Store them in a SQL database and lookup from from. Possible performance issue on retrieval? any limitations? I measured the total size of 15,000 records in string format and it is around 300kb.

3. custom jquery that calls a web service using the first 1-3 letters typed in and display filtered options? This option is preferred one but not sure if it will work in a repeating section control?


6 replies

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to 3: You can use jquery-ui autocomplete widget in repeating section (see http://jqueryui.com/ ).

jquery-ui is as jquery included in Nintex Forms (NWF$).

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Thanks for the reply. I think that is a great option. I have a one question. It says "The datasource is a simple JavaScript array, provided to the widget using the source-option". Does this mean the all the option values needs to be copied to the form in array format when form loads or can it be called externally?

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"The datasource is a simple JavaScript array, provided to the widget using the source-option" is for default functionality example only.

Look at remote datasource examples and check out  http://api.jqueryui.com/autocomplete/

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Hi, I tried it today and it is working well, however, it only works for the first row in the repeating section.

I have set the JavaScript ID of the textbox inside repeating section as test, then used the script below. It works.

NWF$("#" + TextBox_JavaScript_ID).autocomplete({

source: availableTags

When I add additional rows and apply the script to the CSS class name instead of the JavaScript ID, these additional rows do not work with autocomplete.

NWF$(".RepeatingRowclass a.ms-addnew").click();

NWF$(".RepeatingRowclass.nf-repeater-row:last .TextBoxCSSClass").autocomplete({

      source: availableTags


any ideas? thanks again.

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I got it working on repeating rows now. It was a syntax error. thanks Manfred for the help.


Hi Brian, I'm having same issues as yours with the autocomplete. It is only working for the first row, how did you manage to fix this issue please if you don't mind sharing. Thank you
