Association Data in Call Web Service function

  • 23 October 2015
  • 2 replies


I'm currently using the Call Web Service function. As I saw in other blogs, we can use the association data to make the data available in other workflow. I tried and tested using the Single Line of text as a variable it worked as expected. But I have set of data to be called, I tried using the multiple line of text as variable but failed. Only the first 255 characters were displayed, is this a limitation to the function? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

2 replies

Badge +7


Say you have 2 variables you want to pass across, myVar1 and myVar2, the association data can be passed in the following format:


<myVar1>value of myVar1</myVar1>

<myVar2>value of myVar2</myVar2>



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

This maybe a limitation of the web Service. I've never tried to pass large blobs of text as a variable. One option would be to pass the ID of the list item the text belongs to, and the in the child workflow grab that ID and do a "Query List" filtered on that ID to pull back the multiline text to a multiline Variable.
