Display Item Attachments on Task Forms

  • 12 December 2022
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This How To article describes the steps needed to upgrade a Nintex for Office 365 approval workflow to Automation Cloud and display the original list attachments within the task approval form. This scenario is one that the Nintex Upgrade Center team has encountered, and Godwin Pamire, a technical specialist on the team, came up with this great solution.

After Upgrade

  • You will see that some actions are unconfigured. Click the Workflow upgrade details link in the upper right corner of the screen. The Workflow upgrade details panel opens and displays the items requiring additional configuration before publishing.

  • The Assign a task action must be configured. Click the Design Form button to open the form designer. The form designer opens and displays the Forms upgrade details panel, displaying any items requiring additional configuration before the form is saved.

Differences between Nintex for Office 365 and Automation Cloud

  • The form associated with the Assign a task action in Automation Cloud does not automatically display the related list item attachments.


Import the Generate HTML for Task Forms with Attachments component workflow from Nintex Gallery and then adjust your workflow to utilize the component workflow after upgrading:

  • Add and configure a Call a Workflow action.

  • Adjust the Assign a Task Action to modify the task form to use the output variable from the Call a Workflow action

For detailed instructions, watch the following video:



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