Using New Email Addresses for Workflow Notifications

  • 27 July 2022
  • 1 reply

The company I work for (company A) was recently purchased by another company (company B).  Company A is now part of Company B.  Each company has separate on-prem environments (AD, Email, SharePoint 2013, etc.).  Each company has different user ID and email naming conventions.  Company A has SharePoint 2013 and Nintex Forms 2013 and Nintex Workflow 2013.  Company A has many Nintex forms and workflows.  Company B has SP2013 on prem, but NOT Nintex and no workflows that I am aware of.


Because there are two separate email systems, users from Company A much currently use two different email systems and email addresses.  I was asked if I could change the Company A's Nintex workflow notifications to use the new Company B email address.


On the surface this seems like a simple request.  But it is not.   The workflows are using the person's company AD user ID  from Company A, and then getting the email address from there.


Even if we manually change the email addresses in the notification to those of Company B, I have concerns that when the users click the task links in the email notifications, they will be notified that they 'are not authorized to respond to the task.'


Does anyone have any experience with company mergers and switching Nintex 2013 notification to new email addresses?



1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

Hi @tpettijohn 


There is little Nintex is able to do in this manner to mask the use of multiple domains.


The issue is with what appears to be a lack of trust relationship between your domains, until they are joined both on DC and Exchange levels Nintex and any resources including Sharepoint have no means of telling if they are the same company, as it appears they aren't (on a technical level).


Ultimately you need to have a long discussion with your infrastructure team to understand their domain migration/domain trust relationship plans to see how that effects you and your business unit and to include you in those discussions.


Until then you have to treat users separately, If users have 2 accounts (one from company A and one from Company 😎 They will need to use the Company A account exclusively to use Nintex with the SharePoint.


Hope this helps

