Display repeating section data to excel also as table

  • 22 November 2022
  • 1 reply


I'm new to nintex forms and trying to display the data from my nintex repeating section done via SP2013. I was able to create a work flow and use the query xml from my MLT of repeating section, and was to display them in my SP list as table w/out borders. However, they display as one line cell value in excel when extracted (see below text). How can I display them in excel as columns or display them as how they re displayed in my SP list as table? TIA.


My sections columns are: Material, Weight in kg, Price, Beneficiary.



MaterialWeight in kgPriceBeneficiaryCloth1900.00Officemates CrossGlass2800.00OfficeLeadersLeather3700.00OfficeLeaders


1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +13
Hi there,

You would need to use table replication on document generation like this https://help.nintex.com/en-US/nintex2016/current/#sp2016/Workflow/SPDocGen/TablesAdd.htm?Highlight=table
