Verify if advance commands have been added/removed

  • 15 February 2022
  • 0 replies

Inspired by @Yulia Markov​ article and the desire of users to track changes made to the wizard in real time created a kind of Frankenstein process)

input data:

  1. [Kryon].[dbo].[LeoScriptsAdvancedCommands]
  2. [TestRS].[dbo].[AuditLeoScriptsAdvancedCommands] - my database


wrote a small SQL trigger that reacts to all changes in the table [LeoScriptsAdvancedCommands] and writes all the necessary information to the database, the trigger code is a file - Trigger.txt


I end up with a table like this

25779iA73ACA60E78B16B2.jpgthe table shows which teams have changed the number of


Next, a wizard is launched that reacts to changes in my database and parses the new inserted data and sends an email to the specified employees with a table of changes in the wizard


I receive such letters, it works quickly, the execution time for one task is about 2 minutes, as soon as someone pressed the save button in a couple of minutes you already know what has changed


25780i572FE442C44E6025.jpg25781iCB4E8CE5004C4E0C.jpgIf, of course, you make changes to the wizard under some common KM, then it will not be possible to 100% identify the one who made these changes, if an ordinary user of his KM is corrected, then his name will be indicated, the commands do not have much different names than in the TSDU, but in general, it is clear what kind of rooms


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