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During the past two weeks, I have been updating our training materials for the course "Best Practices for Automation" on Kryon Academy. We also took this opportunity to add a new module that lays out specific Attended Automation best practices.


This course is one of the fundamental courses to watch before and during an RPA development process. I think that sometimes we rush into the project missing the part of the planning, and then it takes us longer to overcome the gaps we have created for ourselves. But best practices guidelines help you put more structure into the project as a whole and the development process; then, you can plan accordingly. 


I collected these best practices from our support team. They reflect some conclusions from use cases and development guidelines that business users like me are not always familiar with. I used my colleagues' knowledge and examples to explain what they have learned about our product and how to use it.


For example, this post, created by one of our talented professional services experts, @Theo Charles Schmidt-Zimmermann, lays out a few simple and easy to put in place best practices- if you want something shorter to read. There are many other excellent and more specific examples in our Best Practices Topic here in the developer corner chat- check them out.


I hope you'll use these essential guidelines. I know how it helped me through the development of my RPA processes. It also helped shape our RPA workshop and internal work when working on our internal automation business processes. Customers were also teaching us many best practices, and we continue to learn all the time. 


Please share your best practices with us! Let us know what you think in the comments, and if you haven't yet, watch the course on Kryon Academy!

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