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This sample allows you to install and test the import of new python libraries. In this example, the library that was imported is BeautifulSoup4, a library used for scraping information from a webpage.


Note: If the wizard was run using the studio, the library will only be installed for that studio. If a robot is running a process that requires this library, this wizard will have to be run on the robot too.


General Information:

Kryon Studio Version: 19.1.3 (will work on later versions as well)


Preliminary Adjustments:

  1. In the first step, set the location of the python library package into the file directory variable.
  2. set the name of the python library package into the package list variable.



  1. You have already downloaded the python library package. (it should come as a .tar.gz file)


Process Developer/Contributors:

  1. Grace Lim


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