Choices list does not allow fill-in values

  • 21 February 2018
  • 3 replies

When setting up a responsive form for a Nintex Task form, we wanted to include a list and offer choices. But the choice list also gives an option for allowing fill-in choices. The fill-in choices field shows up on the computer version of the form, but not the iPhone version. So, as a fix, we had to add a single line of text field below the choices list to allow users to fill in their own values. I don't know if the developers are even aware that this problems exists. If the functionality states that fill-in choices are allowed, when, in fact they do not on the iPhone version of the form, that is a problem.

3 replies

Userlevel 6
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Thank you for your feedback.
Nintex is aware of this issue. The choice control on IOS does not allow for fill in choices. When publishing a form for Nintex Mobile there are warnings about compatability and functionality to warn users that the form on the mobile device may not appear the same as it does on Desktop.
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Hi All - I just noticed this same issue in my 2016 On Prem environment and was curious if it was ever fixed?

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I am using the New Responsive Form designer. This isn't working there, what gives? This is basic SharePoint functionality and has been for years. 
