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K2 Five Release Notes


K2 Five 5.0
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K2 is proud to release K2 Five, our release that focuses on making it easy to install and use K2. Use these release notes to download the product, request a product key, and read about new features, including upgrade-specific information and links to helpful resources about K2 Five.

Download and Product Key

Download the installer from K2 Partner and Customer Portal:

You will need a new license key to install K2 Five. Go get the license from K2 Partner and Customer Portal:

Key Features

Here are the main features that help you deliver powerful process automation across your business.

K2 Designer

K2 Designer

The K2 Designer is a browser-based design tool that enables you to easily create reusable components such as simple-to-advanced SmartObjects, views, and forms, and to integrate these with workflows. Learn more...
K2 Workflow Designer

K2 Workflow Designer

Visually design simple to complex workflows without code, incorporate business rules and drive processes with escalations and reminders. Real-time workflow validation helps you build smart, usable workflows from the start. Learn more...
Authorization Framework

Authorization Framework

Secure your K2 environment by controlling who can see, use and run SmartObjects, views, forms and workflows. Learn more...
K2 Management

K2 Management

Maintain your K2 environment by performing administrative tasks, such as creating roles, assigning rights to users, controlling access to K2 objects, managing workflows, resolving workflow errors, and connecting to LOB data sources. Learn more...
K2 Workspace

K2 Workspace

Use the K2 Workspace to review and respond to your tasks, access workflow and form data, view reports, and manage your out of office settings. You can even create custom workspaces which are sets of links, pages, SmartForms, and external web sites that provide easy access to your most-used business information. Learn more...


Reporting on your processes is now easier through the out-of-box workflow reports. You can build your own reports with reporting controls and integrate with third-party tools like Excel and Power BI using the OData API. Learn more...


SmartObjects exposed as OData services allows third party tools and developers to use data returned by SmartObjects in a common format. You can build custom reports or other interfaces that present the data returned by SmartObjects in new and flexible ways.Learn more...
Workflow REST API

Workflow REST API

Manage workflows, workflow instances, and tasks in custom ASP.NET pages, custom apps, and third-party tools (such as Microsoft Flow) using the Workflow REST API endpoints. Learn more...
Single Installer

Single Installer

The K2 Setup Manager is easier to use and installs the tools you need to design, deploy, and use K2. This installer contains everything you need to upgrade to or install a fresh version of K2 Five. Learn more...



What you need to know when upgrading

If you are upgrading to K2 Five read KB002045 for all the information on install changes, considerations, changes in the product, and how these will affect your current environment.



Additional Features

You can install the following additional features to enhance your K2 Five environment:



Resolved Items in K2 Five version 5.0001.1000.1

  • Performance: Enhancements have been made to the load up time of the installation when installing on systems where SQL is not present.
  • Installation: Enhancements have been made to the K2 Setup Manager's REPAIR Mode ensuring that packages are always deployed. This allows for a path that ensures successful deployment of your packages.
  • Installation: When installing K2 with a Developer license, and installing with an account that was not an allocated K2 user raised permission errors during deployment of packages. The K2 Setup Manager UI has been enhanced to guide you to make use of the correct accounts.



Fix Packs

The K2 Five Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five. K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment. For a listing of fix packs for this version of K2 Five, see KB002104.



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