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The below error is encountered when running the stored procedure Utility.Maintain_IndexDefrag

Scanning indexes...
Msg 2628, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Utility.Maintain_IndexDefrag, Line 204 4Batch Start Line 2]
String or binary data would be truncated in table 'tempdb.dbo.#A3BBDC65', column 'index_fqn'. Truncated value: ' UX_Relationship_Relationships_DependentClassId_DependentName_DependentVersion_DependencyClassId_Dep'.
The statement has been terminated.
Enumerating indexes...
Operation complete

(1 row affected)



The error message is caused by a table that has a very long index name. The table and index in the above sample screenshot was still in K2 5.3 but has been removed in later versions.

Note: Before proceeding with the below, kindly ensure that you have created a backup of the fUtility].lMaintain_IndexDefrag] stored procedure.

One way to get around this is to Edit the stored procedure and replace all the sysname types to nvarchar(300).

Just remember to revert back the changes made on the stored procedure after you are done with the defragmentation as it can cause issues with installer in future if the name is not restored.

Kindly test this on your non-production environment first.


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