Code Fix: An error occurs when deploying a workflow with a SmartObject method name containing a space

  • 16 February 2021
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +21

Code Fix: An error occurs when deploying a workflow with a SmartObject method name containing a space


K2 Five 5.2 to 5.3
K2 Five (5.2) May 2019 Cumulative Update
K2 Five (5.3) Fix Pack 17 to K2 Five (5.2) May 2019 Cumulative Update Fix Pack 12


Issue Description

When you deploy a workflow that contains a SmartObject method with a space in the method system name, an error occurs.

Error Message

The following error occurs: “Missing reference at SmartObjectField”.


The fix is available in the following K2 versions:

K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update K2 Five (5.0) September 2018 Cumulative Update K2 Five (5.1) November 2018 Cumulative Update K2 Five (5.2) May 2019 Cumulative Update K2 Five (5.3)
X X X Fix Pack 12 Fix Pack 17
  1. Ensure you have the correct K2 version and/or Cumulative Update installed. See KB001893 to see what Fix Pack level you have installed.
  2. Download the latest Fix Pack using the links in the table above for the version you require.
  3. Install the Fix Pack to apply the fix.
  4. It is recommended to refresh the browser cache.


After installing this fix pack, any SmartObject method with a space in the system name created prior to this fix pack, will result in a mismatch error when you attempt to regenerate the SmartObject or if the SmartObject is used in a K2 Workflow. You need to edit the workflow to remove the SmartObject and re-add it.


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