Comparison of capabilities between K2 Management Console and K2 Management Site

  • 16 February 2021
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Comparison of capabilities between K2 Management Console and K2 Management Site


K2 blackpearl 4.7
K2 smartforms 4.7
K2 blackpearl 4.7
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The table below includes but is not limited to a list of the differences between features in K2 Workspace Management Console and K2 Management Site.



Feature K2 Workspace Management Console K2 Management Site
Category Browser   New
Features   New
Authentication   New
(The OAuth and Claims management forms were previously available in the K2 Designer)
Service Types   New
Service Instances   New
Workflow Scheduling   New
Servers   New
Environment Library Plugin Types Check Deprecated
Environment Library Field Types Check Deprecated
Environment Library Templates Check Deprecated
Report Designer Check Deprecated
Notification Event Designer Check Deprecated
Custom Event Designer Check Deprecated
Workspace Permissions Check Deprecated
SmartBox Security Check Feature Parity
Process Rights Check Feature Parity and Process Administration Support
Workflow Server > Users > Action Rights Check Currently not available
Workflow Server > Archiving Check Not available through the Management Site; see KB article KB002184: Archiving data in K2 Five 
Workflow Server > Users > Process Rights Check Moved to process level
Workflow Server > Users > Working Hours Access Check Moved to Workflow Server > Working Hours
Workflow Server > Users > Out of Office Check Moved to User Management > Out of Office
Roles Check Moved to User Management > Roles
User Managers Check Moved to User Management
Workflow Server > Server Rights Check Check
Workflow Server > Processes Check Check
Workflow Server > Error Profiles Check Added error profiles to process details forms
Workflow Server > String Table Check Check
Workflow Server > Working Hours Check Check
SmartBox > Security Check Check
Roles Check Check

Previously you were required to have a minimum of Export (deploy) rights to see a workflow in K2 Management Console and required workflow server Admin permissions to manage it. Enhancements have been made to workflow management to support Process Administrator security in K2 4.7 and later. Process administrator permissions were added to allow you to use K2 Management to manage one or more processes but not the entire server. The behavior of the API methods that return lists were also changed so that the API returns the data you have rights to. If you don’t have any permissions, an empty list is returned instead of an exception.

The following changes apply to the Workflow Management API:

Feature Pre-K2 4.7 K2 4.7
Access processes (Server) Admin rights are required to access processes Admin rights are required to view processes in the Processes node for all processes. Process Admin rights are required to view processes in the Processes node on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Delete processes At least Export rights are required to delete processes Admin rights are required to delete all processes. Process Admin rights are required to delete processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Download processes At least Export rights are required to download processes Admin and Export rights are required to download all processes. Process Admin rights are required to download processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Default versions At least Export rights are required to access default versions Admin and Export rights are required to set default versions on all processes. Process Admin rights are required to set default versions on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Process instances Admin rights are required to access process instances Admin or Process Admin rights are required to view the process instances
Process permissions Admin rights are required to manage process permissions Admin rights are required to manage permissions on all processes. Process Admin rights are required to manage permissions on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Error profiles Admin rights are required to access, view, create, update or delete error profiles Admin rights are required to access, view, create, update or delete error profiles. Process Admin rights are required to manage profiles on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Error logs At least Export rights are required to access error logs Admin rights are required to access error logs. Process Admin rights are required to manage logs on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Retry errors Export rights are required to retry errors Admin rights are required to repair errors. Process Admin rights are required to manage errors on processes (if you do not have server admin rights)
Roles Admin rights are required to view, create and update roles Admin rights are required to view, create and update roles
Run As
Configure Run As At least Export rights are required to access Run As At least Export or Process Admin rights are required to access Run As
Managed Worklist
Managed Worklist Admin rights are required to access managed worklist Admin rights are required to access managed worklist. Process Admin rights are required to manage managed worklist (if you do not have server admin rights)



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