Download, install, and generate PEM/CRT/KEY files using OpenSSL

  • 9 April 2024
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Download, Install, and Generate PEM/CRT/KEY files using OpenSSL.



  1. Download and install the following OpenSSL EXE file (other methods may be available; feel free to use them instead).
    Link: Win32/Win64 OpenSSL Installer for Windows - Shining Light Productions
  2. After installation, double-click the installation file and follow the installation process. At the following screen, select the highlighted option: The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory.


  3. After completing the installation, navigate to the following folder: C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin
  4. Copy and paste the PFX file here for easy navigation to the certificate file.
  5. Next, right-click and run openssl.exe as an administrator.


  6. Type the command below to generate a .txt file:
    pkcs12 -in C:\PathToThePFXfile\myPFXfileName.pfx -out certificate.txt -nodes
    The PFX file is in the same bin folder in this case below. Execute the command as shown.
  7. After entering the command above, you will be asked for a password at the command prompt. Copy and paste it from the text file shown in earlier steps.


  8. After executing the command above,  it will generate a certificate.txt file in the same directory.
  9. Open this file in Notepad++.
  10. After opening the file, you will be able to see the following pattern 5 times:
    ----- Begin Certificate -----

    loremipsum loremipsum

    loremipsum loremipsum

    loremipsum loremipsum

    ----- End Certificate -----
  11. These are the patterns that are required for PD installations, as explained in the next step.
  12. These patterns will create the PEM/CRT/KEY files:
    The first pattern mentioned in step 12 is the CRT file; copy only that pattern and save it in a new text file as certificate.pem and certificate.crt.

    The last or fifth pattern mentioned in step 12 is the KEY file. Copy only that pattern and save it in a new text file as key.pem and key.key.
    The remaining or second, third, and fourth pattern mentioned in step 12 is the ca-bundle file. Copy only those patterns as shown below:
    ----begin certificate-----


    -----end certificate ------

    ----begin certificate-----


    -----end certificate ------

    ----begin certificate-----


    -----end certificate ------
  13. Save it in a new text file as ca-bundle.pem.
  14. Now, you have generated all required PEM/CRT/KEY files for SSL configuration. You can name the files as appropriate for your environment:


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