Using the 'Is Empty' operator in an advanced condition against a SmartObject 'Number' property does not work

  • 15 February 2022
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Using the 'Is Empty' operator in a SmartForms advanced condition against a SmartObject 'Number' property does not work


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When using a SmartForms advanced condition within a 'For each item in a List view' loop to target only certain rows within a List View, the 'Is Empty' operator works with a 'Text' SmartObject property, but does not work with a 'Number' property.



Number property does not work.



Text property does work.

Before You Begin

The "For each item in a List view" implementation is similar to the post below; however an advanced condition is used to target only certain rows of the list view:

How-to Steps

Implementation A:

1. If this 'Number' SmartObject property does not and will not contain '0' in the rows returned; the advanced condition of if 'Number' Property Equals 0 can be used to check for blank/empty/null values.



Implementation B:

1. If this 'Number' SmartObject property does or will contain '0' in the rows returned; a hidden data label with an expression 'Text > Is Blank([SmartObjectNumberProperty])' can be used to check for blank/empty/null values.





2. If it is blank/empty/null, this expression will return 'true'; as such during the configuration of the advanced condition, can be configured such that [IsEmptyCheck] Equals 'true'.


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