How to Create a Duplicate K2 Studio Process

  • 24 February 2022
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  • Nintex Employee
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How to Create a Duplicate K2 Studio Process


K2 blackpearl 4.7
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To create a duplicate of the *.kprx file (the workflow file) to include into a new *.k2proj file (project file) resulting in two separate *.k2proj's with the same process.

Before You Begin

Find the location to where the *.k2proj files are saved in your environment. The default directory is:


C:Users[Administrator User]DocumentsK2Studio


Or make sure you have the *.k2proj file accessible which contains the the workflow *.kprx file.

How-to Steps

1. Navigate to the directory where the *.k2proj is located. You should see a *.k2proj file and a number of *.kprx files depending on the amount of processes tied to the original project.

2. Copy the necessary *.kprx file that you want to duplicate and paste the copy to the desktop or other accessible location.

3. Open K2 Studio and create a new K2 Project.

4. In the Solution Explorer to the left, right click the project name and select 'Add > Existing project item'.

5. This will open a File Explorer, navigate to where the *.kprx file is located, select it, and click Open.

6. This will add the workflow to the project. You should see the workflow under the project name in the Solution Explorer. Double click the workflow to open it up.

7. Deploy the project, and you will now have a both processes deployed to the server. You can see them both by going into K2 Management (4.7).

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