
Creating parallel flows in Promap

  • 16 December 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

There are instances where activities can run in parallel by two teams in the organisation up to a certain point and then one team needs to wait for the other to finish a certain activity and then proceed. How can i show this in promap ?


As an example swimlane "A" has activities 1,2,3 and swimlane "B" has activities 4,5,6. Activity 1 and 4  can run in parallel by the two teams independent of each other. The dependency is between 2 and 5. So once A has completed 2 only then team B can kick off 5. And then A can proceed with 3 independent of B and B can execute 6.


1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

You can't show this diagram as per your diagram in Promapp due to the limitations around conditional and parallel activities (in processes) and processes/groups (in group overviews) being limited to 1 additional step but you can still capture it in promapp.


One way to do this would be:

  • Map 1, 2 and 3 as a process
  • Map 5 and 6 as a process with an trigger that references completion or output generated in 2
  • You could also include a note in activity 2 stating that activity 5 commences following the completion of this activity and link the process in a note (which wouldn’t display on the map)

If 4 is independent of 1 and 5 then its a separate process with its own triggers, inputs and outputs.

I’m interested to know if there are other ways of presenting this in promapp.

Hope this helps,

