K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 (4.13180.1675.1) Release Notes

  • 16 February 2021
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K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 (4.13180.1675.1) Release Notes


DOWNLOADS K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 New Features List.pdf (265 KB)

K2 smartforms 4.6.9
K2 smartforms 4.6.9
K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.


The K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 is an add-on component to K2 smartforms providing a set of additional controls that can be used when creating forms for business applications. To ensure that you can create powerful, intuitive forms, K2 is providing additional controls that you can use in conjunction with the existing controls.


The K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 can be downloaded from the K2 Partner and Customer Portal site. See the Installation details below for more information.

New and Enhanced Controls

There are number of new controls and enhancements available in this release. For a detailed list click here.


Issues Resolved

The Knowledge Base article KB001674 – K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 Resolved Issues List, lists the issues resolved in this release.

Known Issues

A list of some of the current known issues that you may encounter when using K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 is available in the Known Issues List.

Updates Included

This update includes all the new controls and fixes that were included in the previous K2 smartforms Control Pack Updates, so there is no need to install the updates listed below. The following links are provided for reference to view the enhancements and resolved issues contained within the previous updates:
KB001630 – K2 smartforms Control Pack 1.0 (4.13180.1.0) Release Notes
KB001670 - K2 smartforms Control Pack 1.0.1 (4.13180.1670.0) Release Notes

Important considerations

The Control Pack documentation has been added to the Controls section of the K2 smartforms documentation and is no longer available as a separate help file.



K2 smartforms Control Pack 4.6.9 is available as an independent installation package. K2 smartforms Control Pack installation uses the current K2 smartforms installation settings and K2 smartforms Control Pack components are dependent on the existing K2 smartforms components. If K2 smartforms is installed on a distributed environment, the K2 smartforms Control Pack should be installed in the same way. The K2 Setup Manager will guide you through the install process.

  • K2 blackpearl 4.6.9 (4.12060.1640.1) or greater
  • K2 smartforms 4.6.9 (4.12165.1650.1) or greater

Installation Path
K2 smartforms Control Pack will install under %ProgramFiles%K2 blackpearl

The following K2 smartforms Control Pack components are installed during the installation process:



Component Description Where to install it

K2 Control Pack Server

Contains the Control Pack server and peripherals.

This component must be installed on the server where the K2 blackpearl server is configured to run or on a separate SQL server.

K2 Control Pack Designer

Deploys the controls to be used within the K2 Designer

This component is installed on the existing SmartForms IIS site and requires at least the K2 Designer component to be on the server.

K2 Control Pack Runtime

Allows the controls to be used in the K2 smartforms runtime site

This component is installed on the existing SmartForms IIS site and requires at least the SmartForms Runtime component to be on the server.


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