Code Fix: In K2 Package and Deployment you are unable to remap existing lists

  • 16 February 2021
  • 0 replies

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Code Fix: Unable to remap existing lists when deploying with K2 Package and Deployment


K2 Five 5.1
K2 Five (5.1) Fix Pack 4


Issue Description

When you deploy a package with K2 Package and Deployment, you are unable to remap existing lists to a target list due to the target list having more properties or methods.

Error Message

The following error occurs: “[Source List] is not able to be mapped to [Target List] due to differences between source package and target environment.”


  1. Ensure you have K2 Five (5.1) installed.
  2. Get the K2 Five (5.1) FP4 from Regional Support.
  3. Install the K2 Five (5.1) FP4 to apply the fix.
  4. You should now be able to remap to existing lists.


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