Task form lookup function in a calculated value

  • 30 October 2018
  • 3 replies

I'm building out a task from from within a workflow and I'm trying to add a calculated value that performs a lookup function against another list, but the resulting value displayed on the form is just blank.  Then I tried executing a query list action in the workflow and saving the value into a workflow variable and then referencing the variable in the calculated value, but the displayed value is #Value!.


Do calculated values work on task forms? Do workflow variables work on task forms?



3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Hi Robert,

yes, both will work. Can you post the formula you're using? Maybe there is something missing in the formula.

For calculated values on task forms you should consider that by default calculated values only calculate in edit mode of the task form. So in view mode the formula will stay blank until you edit the task.

To change this, tick the box Recalculate formula on view mode.

Maybe this already helps.

Best regards


The formula with the lookup is: lookup("Customer", "JDE", varJDE, "Contact Name"). I logged the variable varJDE in the workflow history to make sure it wasn't blank.

The formula with the variable is pretty simple; I just double-clicked on the variable name from the workflow variable menu. Again, I logged the variable in the workflow history to make sure it wasn't blank.

I did enable recalculate in view mode.

Userlevel 4
Badge +12

Ok, that looks good so far. What column type is your JDE column?
