Audit trail for smart box?

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I have a requirement to keep a full audit trail for all properties of my process. Many of the properties are stored in Smart Box SmartObject properties. I just assumed that the same audit functionality would be available for Smart Box as what K2 provides for data fields... but I can't anythnig in the documentation to support my assumption.

Can anyone tell me what auditing functionality is provided for smart box properties?

Thanks in advance!

2 replies

Badge +11

There are a couple of ways you can do this:

1.  Make your SmartBox SmartObject a composite SmartObject.  Every time you invoke a method on your SmartObject it would manipulate not only your primary table, but also write data to an audit table.

2.  You could use the event bus to add a custom event notification to log data whenever a SmartObject method is invoked.


Badge +5
Good answers - thanks!
