Ideas/Techniques/Platforms you use to continuously engage your Process Experts

  • 18 November 2019
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi all,


I will give some context in how we use Promapp as this is important since every organisation deploys Promapp differently.


Our approach with Promapp has been to build process mapping capabilities within the business areas (internal) we engage with so we go through a series of workshops to identify their processes and the process experts for each process.

We then spend time to provide process mapping and Promapp training to those Process Experts so as you can imagine, for a large organisation (5000+ employees) this is a long and slow journey.


We are 1+ year into using Promapp and have expanded quite substantially so now we are coming across the phase where we would like to start putting some focus on engaging those that are trained and are using Promapp within their areas within their 'business as usual' way of working.


I would like to hear from the community if you have any ideas, techniques or platforms that you use to aid this engagement with your process mappers (i.e. Process Experts).


Thank you.

6 replies

What an exciting phase of you journey to be at!


As you mentioned it is really important to build and maintain the engagement and we have seen a number of ways our customers have done this successfully. Here are a few ideas for you to explore:


Process Forums - hold regular events where you can bring people together to discuss their processes and provide updates. You can read more about process forums in the Elements of Success document attached. This not only makes looking at your processes fun but it also encourages people to go into Promapp 


Celebrate your successes - a great way to maintain enagement is to celbrate the great work people have been doing, as a bonus this can sometime inspire people who have not started using Promapp yet. Think about some creative ways to do this e.g. recognition in the work news letter, formal awards from the CEO, organisation wide events/showcases etc.


Gamify - have some fun with your processes. Some organisations have hidden Easter eggs in there process, like a phase or an image, that staff need to find to win a prize. This not only makes it fun to view your processes but it also encourages people to go into Promapp 


Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Sounds like you are taking a similar approach to how we are deploying Promapp at our organization.

We implement/onboard Promapp on a department-by-department basis. Our implementation process includes working sessions to review the departments current state, address process governance/ownership and establish a structure for how their end-to-end process will be organized. We then pivot to scoping their training needs for Promapp and we deliver the training sessions.

As part of the working sessions, we work with the department to identify who will continue to drive/champion process management and a Promapp expert within the department. We are in the process of developing a certification program for these individuals and engaging them in forums/community of practice. We are wanting to build the expertise to continue this work within the department and allow our team to continue implementing with new departments.

Userlevel 1

Love the certification program, we're also exploring this as we now have a few areas who are using Promapp as 'business as usual' and we want their champion to have the ability to publish processes (right now only our 'central Promapp team' is able to publish). As you can imagine, this is all about ensuring the quality of the processes is consistent so certification is a great way to do this. 

For your certification program, if you don't mind sharing, how will it work?


You mentioned that your implementation is very similar to ours, so I'm keen to find out if you have different forms of training.

Currently our trainings are mainly focused on Process Experts which is on how to map a process but given how we are getting more and more employees using Promapp (for viewing processes) I'm now considering of creating another type of training session targeted to employees who just want to know the basics of Promapp.

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi Wesso

for staff who only need to search for and view maps we created an online learning module which takes about 25 minutes and is available to every staff member (regardless of whether their business area has decided to use Promapp). Previously we had been running a one hour 'introductory' face to face session; this has now been replaced by the online module.


The online module covers the basics of business process management (what a process is, why we need to manage/improve them and staff's role in improving processes), basic Promapp navigation, reading a map, leaving feedback, dashboard, and other Promapp training they can do with us.


Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hello - thanks for discussing this.

We are roughly in the same phase. We are  team of two acting as a burgeoning Centre of Excellence, but now have active executive leadership support to advocate and offer Promapp as a service to other HR Teams (currently it is primarily used by our HR Shared Service teams like contact centre, payroll, HRMS).

Love to discuss in person, if interested and feasible, but here are a few items we have developed to further build and cement engagement:


Standard Introductory Training

  • We developed a standard training to deliver to individuals or new teams

  • There is also a facilitated practical session to educate on advanced techniques


Process Role Playbooks - Process Group Champion, Process Owner. 

  • Short 2-3 slides on clarifying the roles and how to play and take action for these key roles that help define use and culture for process management within teams

  • A Promaster will spend 30-45 minutes one on one with a new Champion and Process Owner to help them understand their responsiblities


Weekly Process Forum - Drop In Fridays

  • 2 hour, informal session for any user, or potential user to drop in and drop out of at their convenience

  • Work through concepts, a process, see examples, experiment


Data for Leadership

  • We have recently started providing "performance" data that is broadcasted to Leadership on a monthly basis

  • # total processes; processes in Promapp, Processes published, an related continuous improvement hours realized involving Promapp

Regular Team Process Forums - still in development

  • We are developing a further "meeting" with Process Group Champions to provide them data and insights on their team's mapping efforts: approvals, recognition

  • Also used to help Process Group Champions operationalize Promapp within their teams

  • Determining the frequency, but at this point it is based on process team maturity. Ideally each team has a  monthly meeting

User SharePoint

  • Anticipating growth of new teams, we developed a SharePoint from which we broadcast Promapp updates, post training supports and videos

  • A small attempt to enable "community" space


We are building out our practice as a CoE and always open to discussing approaches and techniques.


Best - Srinee


Would you be willing to share the content that you use in your Process Role Playbooks?  We are struggling to get ‘buy-in’ and ownership of our processes and feel that this is a great concept to introduce in our organization.  
