Count of Number of Attachments? Does the JavaScript solution still work?

  • 21 November 2019
  • 3 replies

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I need to be able to count the number of attachments in an attachment control. There are a few posts in the forum which refer to a JavaScript solution e.g.

Myself and a colleague have both tried this and cannot get it to work (Classic forms)...I always get a value of zero from the function regardless of the number of attachments.

These posts are all over a year old, I am wondering if something changed? Does anyone have a working solution to count the number of attachments in an attachment control on the form?

I need to be able to do this on the form, even before the first any workflow based solution or settings on the attachment control based on item properties won't work.

3 replies

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I was able to get the number of attachments by getting everything with the nf-attachmentFileInput class and subtracting 2 to remove empty elements.

let numberOfAttachments = NWF$('.nf-attachmentFileInput').length - 2

If you want to pull out the names of the attachments you can loop through them after.

for(i=0;i <= numberOfAttachments;i++){
console.log('File attachment names in loop',NWF$('.[your attachment control CSS Class] span')[i].textContent);
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Thanks for the suggestion @stantond . 

However a couple of us have tried this and couldn't get it to work...the numberOfAttachments value never changes regardless of how many attachments are added.


Has this ever been resolved?  I also need a working solution to count the number of attachments in an attachment control on the form, and do this on the form before the first save.
