
K2 on prem dictionary type

  • 9 October 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +2

Is there any way to have a variable that utilises a named key and value structure for k2 workflows on Prem?

looking for something that works much like a dictionary


Thank you in advance

3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hello @swhiffen , 

There is no variable like this at the moment. However, nothing stops you from creating a string variable and separating the string using variables using advanced logic in stored procedures etc.

The other option is to save the into a smartobject that has an ID, a key and a value property. You can retrieve the data using queries against that smart object.

Badge +2

Hello @swhiffen , 

There is no variable like this at the moment. However, nothing stops you from creating a string variable and separating the string using variables using advanced logic in stored procedures etc.

The other option is to save the into a smartobject that has an ID, a key and a value property. You can retrieve the data using queries against that smart object.

Is this projected to be added to Automation on prem in the future? or just exclusively for cloud Automation

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hello @swhiffen ,

Are you able to provide some screenshots or examples to what you are referring to?

K2 On Prem and K2 Cloud (if we are to use the previous names to avoid any confusion) use the same variables types. Also, the Smartobject property types are also the same.

i.e workflow variable


Hopefully this will clear up any confusion.
