
Field tags from object that is indirectly related to main object

  • 18 January 2023
  • 1 reply

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In DocGen, I have set my main/starting object as a custom object 'LMS'. It has a lookup relationship to an 'Opportunity' record, which I have set up a relationship for. However, I also want to pull in fields from other 'Property' and 'Contact' objects which have a lookup relationship with the related opportunity. 

Although my document was successfully generated and I used standard Contact and Property field tags are generated in the field tagger, it did not pull in data from my related 'Property' and 'Contact' records. How do I pull fields from these indirectly related records?

1 reply

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For any lookups to lookup relationship, you’ll have to use either stand alone data or SOQL to grab the data. You can follow instructions on how to do this here: 


