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Upgrade Center Coaching Session
Topic: NWC Overview for Nintex for Office 365 Users
Date: September 2021


Here are the questions and answers discussed during this coaching session:

What happens when Assign a task and Start a task process actions get upgraded? What actions are they mapped to in NWC?

Assign a task actions in O365 are converted to Assign a task actions in NWC. Start a task process actions in O365 are converted to Assign a task to multiple users actions in NWC.


What happens after upgrade when an Assign a task action in O365 is assigned to multiple users?

It is not possible to add multiple users to the participant setting of an O365 Assign a task action. It is possible to add a SharePoint group as the participant. If this is the case, the assignees will need to be configured in the NWC action after upgrade because SharePoint group references is not available in NWC.


When identity federation is set up, are users added automatically?
Users are all automatically given participant access once they log in and/or respond to a task for the first time. Any NWC users who were already assigned specific permissions, will maintain those permissions.


What is the purpose of identity federation?

Allows you to configure single sign-on using Azure Active Directory or using the SAML2.0 protocol for other identity providers such as Google Suite, Okta, Ping One, and Active Directory Federation Services.


What happens when the NWC integration to SharePoint online is created?

Configuring an integration will allow users to access NWC from the Nintex workflow for Office 365 app. When the user opens the Nintex workflow for Office 365 app, they will see a selector screen that allows them to access NWC or continue to the Nintex for Office 365 workflow gallery. Configuring an integration is a required prerequisite for upgrading O365 workflows.


In NWC, is it possible to select a specific person to be alerted for a specific workflow?

Alerts in NWC are configured at the tenant level. The options available are: the most recent editor of the workflow, workflow owners, and/or specific users. Assigning the appropriate users as workflow owners on individual workflows and making sure the 'workflow owners' alert setting is selected, will ensure that the appropriate users are notified. You may also want to consider adding Business owners to your workflows to allow users to see workflow instances in Workflow tracking on the My Nintex page.


In O365, workflows can be exported as files for backup/recovery purposes. In NWC, how can a backup of a workflow be generated to allow for recovery in case a workflow is accidentally deleted? Will there be an option to export?

The ability to export a workflow as a file is not currently available in NWC, however, you do have the ability to export a workflow key and import the workflow into a separate NWC tenant. One suggestion is to maintain 2 NWC tenants: a production tenant and a dev tenant. Your workflow backups could be stored in the dev tenant as development workflows. You also have the ability to save a copy of a workflow in NWC. So, another suggestion is to save a backup copy of a workflow and restrict permissions to just administrators to prevent other users from deleting the backup copy of the workflow.


Is there a way to track which user has edited a form?

User context is available for authenticated forms in NWC. User context variables capture the signed-on user's first name, last name, and email address. These values can be accessed in your workflow through the start event or task variables. This gives you the ability to store information about the user who submitted the form.


Is it possible to see if a workflow instance failed?

Workflow instance information, including failures, can be viewed on the instances page. For Business owners, instances can be viewed on the Workflow tracking page in My Nintex.


How long will instance data be stored?

There's currently no limit on the length of time instance data will be stored.


How can you create an anonymous form in NWC?

When you create a workflow with a form start event, you have the option to give form access to Anyone with the form URL. This means that anyone with access to the form URL will be able to complete the form without having to log in.


Are there any training courses on open API, Xtensions?

There is no specific on-demand training course for these topics at this time. However, there may be a group coaching session focused on Xtensions offered in the future. Also make sure you check out the help documentation for great instructions and examples to get you started:


What are the steps to get upgrade tooling enabled?

The Nintex Workflow Upgrade Tool for Office 365 can be requested through Nintex Customer Central. Please visit the Nintex Upgrade Center page for more information.

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