Authentication issue ?

  • 24 April 2009
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Hi all,

I have an installation of sharepoint running on, say, http://myserv:2000

I have a user , jdoe, who is admin on this sharepoint site. He has no problem accessing, updating,etc.. every single library on the site.

When using K2 Designer on Visual Studio, he has configured an environment variable SharepointSiteUrl pointing to  http://myserv:2000 .

But when he uses a wizard :

 - he can enter this variable, test the connection, and succeed

 - he CANNOT browse the content to choose a document library (via the browse button on the "List and Library" line in the Sharepoint Integration Process Wizard)

 - but he can browse the document libraries and lists via the Context Browser....

The error message obtained in the wizard is : "The remote server is not found e.g http://test is either not on line or does not exist* 


Am I missing something simple here ?


Thanks for your time,




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