Interaction with WorkflowGrid Control

  • 10 February 2016
  • 1 reply

Badge +3

Is there anyways of interaction with the workflow grid control other than the static elemnts provided with it?


For example


create a filter view  and have folio, start date, end date, and maybe workflow name for users to enter and has a submit button, once the submit button is clicked, the control would return the workflows based on those criteria, including only the wanted results




is there a way to duplicate the process instance smartobject, create a list view and bring only the results based on the logged user? it seems to bring back every workflow, and if I filter by originator then the user won't see the workflows he participated in without starting.


Any ideas/help is appreciated.



1 reply

Badge +3

I had issues mostly with the date range. I figured out the format by transferring the range into a data field and seeing the format.


Thanks for the help! 
