Active Directory Service2 object only displaying data from certain OU's

  • 26 April 2013
  • 1 reply

Badge +7

I created a view/form off of the AD Service2 SmartObject and it is only displaying users from our main office.

I checked the Service instance and it looks correct LDAP://DC=<our domain name>,DC=COM

ResolveNestedGroups: False (i changed this to true to test.)

If someone can point me in a direction to trouble shoot, I'd greatly appreciate it.

1 reply

Badge +4

Hi There,

If the users you are looking up are in a separate domain you will need to configure the service object to be aware of these additional domains.

In the service instance do something like this



You will also need to restart your K2 host service for this to become available.

Resolving nested groups I think is only used for K2 caching which groups a user is in dependent on what groups they are directly in. Turning this on may also have a performance hit on your server.

