User Defined Action already exists

  • 7 June 2018
  • 1 reply

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we are migrating to SP 2016 and have created a dev site collection, we the copied dev to test and we are getting the error above.  I found a sql query to check for the UDA.  How do we remove it from the database?

IM Renderer Page  

Id StaticId Name Description Category IconUrl ToolboxIconUrl WarningIconUrl ConfigurationPageUrl SiteId WebId
1000003 9ED472A3-BBE1-4B8A-8258-649C8D263F97 ModifyDisplayNameNew User Defined Actions /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg UserDefinedAction.aspx 047B9CA6-98F7-4D7E-900C-34AF6F61BDE9 475E94C7-48D6-46DB-953E-8F2E3F973090
1000004 3C951B71-C0BF-45C1-99BE-657E153F50E2 ModifyDisplayName User Defined Actions /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg /_layouts/15/NintexWorkflow/Images/Activities2016/common/user-defined-action.svg UserDefinedAction.aspx 86DE3187-633A-4F30-AE52-CA7B5AB6AD98 B748C4B4-AB75-4590-9731-887055BF2798

1 reply


I had the same issue and was able to resolve. Note that I did the following in a development environment and I assume deleting from the Nintex config database is not supported. This post,, pointed me in the right direction.

I ran the following against our Nintex config database to find the UDA's I was having trouble with.
FROM [SP2010_Dev_Config_Nintex_Workflow].[dbo].[UserDefinedActions]

This gave me a site id which referred to a site that no longer existed. I then deleted the offending record from the Nintex config database and could then upload my UDA. This allowed me to import some production workflows into dev and not have to reconfigure each UDA workflow activity.
DELETE FROM SP2010_Dev_Config_Nintex_Workflow.dbo.UserDefinedActions
WHERE Id = '1000061';
