Processes stuck on "running"

  • 19 September 2008
  • 1 reply

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Hi everyone,

 I recently had an activity on a couple processes restarted in order to refresh the task list and temp InfoPath files.  However, when this happened, the processes are now stuck on "Running".

 Is there any way to nudge these along?  My K2 admin said it usually takes a server reboot.

 Thanks in advance for any help you might have.

1 reply

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I'm not sure exactly what was done to restart the activity.

 My situation to have this requested in the first place is kind of weird.  We have an InfoPath form to request speakers at international meetings.  A request was made and then later had to be recreated because of an error on the original one.  For the newest request, there were task items for people to approve each of the speakers.  Before their approval occured however, the tasks for the original request escalated because these processes were still running, and overlaid the temporary InfoPath files and task items of the newest request. 

 So, I requested the current activity in the newest request to be "restarted" in order to recreate these items with the newest request info.  However, now these processes are stuck in Running status.
