Show choice controls (tabs) based on checkboxes

  • 7 July 2020
  • 1 reply


I'm working with tabs as shown by @vadim_tabakman.

My form is for demo reports of different systems, each tab represents a system and its details.

On the first tab (general), there is a multiple choice control named "systems", in which the user selects the demonstrated systems.

I'm trying to show only relevant tabs, based on the the system(s) included in each demo. My goal is to hide all tabs by default. If a user selects one or more of the systems in the "systems" choice control, the relevant tabs should appear.

So far my attempts at coding this in JavaScript based on multiple other posts and snippets have been unsuccessful. 

Can anyone please help?

1 reply

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By tabs am assuming you are referring to panels, if so use rules that hides each panel (rule for each panel)

assuming that "OPTION" is the control that contains the options for each panel, the formula would like the below:

the logic being if the option isnt system 1 then hide the panel and so on
